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A Role is an attribute assigned at a company and employee level which allows you to use Smartek to configure compliances, inductions, and more to a workforce.

When a new company registers with Smartek, one of the first steps is to select the role that applies to them. 

Usually roles are 'trade-based' (Electrical, plumbing, gas)  but they can also extend beyond that and can be customised by you.

The following will show you how to add and edit roles at a company and employee level.

Adding Company Roles

1. Locate the Company Profile tab from the menu on the left hand side.

2. Select the Roles tab.

3. Using the dropdown, select role/s that apply to your company.

4. Click Add.

Click on this image to see enlarged view.

Adding Employee Roles

Once the Company roles have been set, you will be able to apply these roles to your employees when you are adding them.

1. Locate the Employees tab.

2. Click Add.

3. Enter Employee Details.

4. Click Next.

5. Select Role/s

Edit your Company Role/s

1. From your Overview page, Locate the Company Profile tab from the menu on the left hand side.

2. Select the Roles tab.

3. Click the Delete button to remove roles.

Note: When a role is removed from the company, it 

Edit your Employee Role/s

To Edit the role/s that have been set for your employee, you will need to find their employee profile and edit it.

1. From the Home page, click the Employees tab.

2. Click the Edit button next to the Employee name.

3. Locate the Roles tab.

4. Use the Delete button to remove role/s assigned.

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